請求により3ヶ月の延長が可能です。根拠は、シンガポールのPatent Rulesにあります。
Alteration of time limits Rule 108
(3) A time or period prescribed in ―
(a) rule 9A (5), 9B (1) or (4), 9C (1), 18 (1), 19 (11), 26 (2), 28 (e), (f) or (g), 38, 43, 47 (1) or
(2), 53 (4), 86 (1), (6), (8) or (8A), 112 (4) or (5) (b) or paragraph 1 (3) of the Fourth Schedule;
(b) rule 26 (3) (so far as it relates to the filing of the documents prescribed under rule 26 (4) (a)
and (b));
(c) rule 26A (4) (so far as it relates to the furnishing of the information prescribed under rule 26A
(6) (b) and the filing of the documents prescribed under rule 26A (7)); or
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(d) rule 34 (5) (so far as it relates to the furnishing of the information prescribed under rule 34
(7) (b) and the filing of the documents prescribed under rule 34 (8)),
shall, if not previously extended, be extended for a period not exceeding 3 months upon filing
Patents Form 45 before the end of the period for which extension is sought.
Treatment of international applications Rule 86
86.―(1) Subject to this rule, in relation to an international application for a patent (Singapore) which is,
under section 85, to be treated as an application for a patent under the Act, the prescribed period for the
purposes of section 86 (3) and (6) shall be ―
(a) in a case where ―
(i) the relevant date is on or after 1st May 2002, and the national phase of the application
begins on or after 1st January 2004; or
(ii) Singapore has been elected in accordance with Chapter II of the Patent Co-operation
30 months from the relevant date; or
(b) in any other case, 20 months from the relevant date.