Utility Application Size Fee – for each additional 50 sheets that exceeds 100 sheets USD400.00
1893.01(c) Fees [R-07.2015]
The application size fee for a national stage application (37 CFR 1.492(j)) is determined on the basis of the international application as published by WIPO pursuant to PCT Article 21. Specifically, the application size fee is calculated on the basis of the number of sheets of description (including a sequence listing in portable document format (PDF)), claims, drawings, and abstract present in the published international application. This calculation is made without regard to the language of publication. Certain other sheets typically present in the international publication are not taken into account in determining the application size fee, i.e., a sequence listing in ASCII text (.txt) format, Article 19 amendments, the international search report, and any additional bibliographic sheets (other than the cover sheet containing the abstract). Nor are Article 34 amendments or preliminary amendments taken into account in determining the application size fee.