구성원 소개


伊藤 寛之

Hiroyuki ITO

학력 교토대학 공학부 공업화학과 학사
교토대학 대학원 공학연구과 석사
워싱톤대학 로스쿨 법학석사
(Outstanding Student Award 수상)
자격 변리사/특정침해소송대리인
미국 특허대리인 시험 합격
소프트웨어 개발 기술자시험 합격
영어검정1급, TOEIC 만점
HSK5급(TOEIC800~900점 상당)
사용가능언어 일본어/영어/한국어/중국어/독일어
경력 Keyence Coporation R&D Division (2000-2002)
Nogawa Patent Office (2003-2008)
University of Washington School of Law (2008-2009.6)
해외경력 Internship on patent litigation practice at Dorsey & Whitney LLP (2009.6-9)

전자/ 소프트웨어/ 화학
저작 등 ・"Claim for damages when already-sold infringing products are sold to another party or used" IP Research Institute (Chuo Chiteki Zaisan Kennkyujo) vol. 22 pp. 69-79
・ Opinion on a Supreme Court decision, titled “Is it permissible or not to sell inktank products with refilled ink?”, Companies and Inventions (Kigyou to Hatsumei), no.475(2006)2-8.
・ Opinion on an en bank decision of the IP High Court, titled “Is it permissible or not to sell inktank products with refilled ink?”, Companies and Inventions (Kigyou to Hatsumei), no.475(2006)2-8.
・ Opinion on a Tokyo District Court decision, , titled “Is it permissible or not to sell inktank products with refilled ink?”, Companies and Inventions (Kigyou to Hatsumei), no.461(2005)2-6.
・ Opinion on a decision of the IP High Court, titled “How the term 'identical' in Article 29-2 should be construed in an invention with numerical limitation”, on the Web site of the Kinki Branch of the Japanese Patent Attorneys Association

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