


伊藤 寛之

3. 第三者による意見書及びその審査
第93 条に基づく欧州特許出願の公開後に,何人も,発明の特許性に関して意見書を提出することができる。これは英語,フランス語又はドイツ語による書面で,根拠とする理由の陳述を含まなければならない。提出者は,欧州特許庁における手続の当事者となることができない。書証,及び特に意見書を裏付けるために提出された公開文献は,如何なる言語でもよい。ただし欧州特許庁は,所定の期間内に欧州特許庁公用語のによる翻訳文を提出するよう請求することができ,これが提出されなければ証拠は無視される。第三者には自己の意見書の受取確認が通知されるが,欧州特許庁は,当該第三者による意見書に応答して行った後の手続について,当該第三者に通知しない。

Article 115 Observations by third parties
In proceedings before the European Patent Office, following the publication of the European patent application, any third party may, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, present observations concerning the patentability of the invention to which the application or patent relates. That person shall not be a party to the proceedings.
Rule 114 Observations by third parties
(1) Any observations by a third party shall be filed in writing in an official language of the European Patent Office and state the grounds on which they are based. Rule 3, paragraph 3, shall apply.
(2) Any such observations shall be communicated to the applicant for or proprietor of the patent, who may comment on them.

Rule 32 Language in written proceedings

(1) In written proceedings before the European Patent Office, any party may use any official language of the European Patent Office. The translation referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4, may be filed in any official language of the European Patent Office.
(2) Amendments to a European patent application or European patent shall be filed in the language of the proceedings.
(3) Documentary evidence and, in particular, publications may be filed in any language. The European Patent Office may, however, require that a translation in one of its official languages be filed, within a period to be specified. If a required translation is not filed in due time, the European Patent Office may disregard the document in question.
